Meet Amy

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Amy's Blog
Hi!!! A little info to get to know me better...

My name is Amy, I'm a stay at home mom who fell in love with Gymboree years ago when a friend gave me my first Gymboree outfit for Amber. I actually had to go return the items since my little bugger was too big for them. When I walked into the store I was in awe of the clothes, the quality and the price. I walked out with more than I walked in with lol... this began my un-quenchable love of gymboree. 

I began Gymbohave10 yrs ago, in 2003. I had a couple lines up on a site and shared it with other moms on a yahoogroup, just to keep track of the lines we were purchasing. Everyone loved it, so I took a little web knowledge and created Gymbohaven - it has grown and changed over the years, expanding to include JanieandJack, Made2Match stores and more. I'm so pleased to be able to share my hobby and love of Gymboree with everyone. 

A little about me... 

I'm married to Mike, who has gradually come to love gymboree too lol. We have two daughters Amber who is still a handfull in the teen years and our newest edition Mia. We live in a small town in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by corn fields. Totally different than were I grew up in NY lol.
My favorite line? Cotton Candy from 1998 (I believe that was the year), my second favorite was Autumn Berries - she just looked too cute in the burgundy red and brown. 

A picture of my family from 2008 ...

I do have other hobbies ...  
I love to decorate. I've done a few kid rooms (WI, IA, TN, IL, IA) over the years and finished off our current house - I'll get pages up for those soon.

I'm fascinated with Fairies.. I LOVE fairies lol... I have them in pewter, ceramic and even a glass block with it etched inside so that when the base glows you can see it in all colors. 

I also started collecting Willow Tree - I love the simplicity of them and the meanings behind each one. I would love one day to have the nativity set - its really beautiful and reminds me of my moms set from childhood. 

In my spare time I read like crazy, devouring books daily. I volunteer at school as much as possible. And recently I started reviewing products for mom/kids - I've added the reviews to my blog so go check it out and keep track of what's going on with me :)

Well thanks for stopping by and getting to know me a little. I hope you enjoy the site as much as I do. If there is anything I can do for you or any suggestions for the site, let me know.